
Human Growth/Dev/Guid (PSY 142)

Session: 2007-2008 Spring Semester


Dr. Cynthia L WatersShow MyInfo popup for Dr. Cynthia L Waters
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Mon-Tue-Wed-Thu-Fri, 12:45 PM - 2:00 PM (1/14/2008 - 3/7/2008) Location: 05 ACBE 104


A study of the growth and development of humans from birth to senescence, with emphasis on language, physical, social, behavioral, cognitive, guidance and affective development emphasizing birth to young adulthood. Topics will include methods to offer guidance to parents, caregivers, community and staff on dealing with individual and group similarities and differences and exceptional development or abnormal development sequences with implications for physical, mental, psychosocial and moral development and assistance. Prerequisite: A general psychology course is recommended. Note: Same as EDU 142.